
Sarah Rosenau
Public Relations
T +49 (0)30 9900 8214

Niemand Kommt

Press Release //

Berlin, June 9, 2020

Press Release – Niemand kommt

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No One’s Coming, Everyone’s Going! The non-festival of the summer with Peaches, Sasha Waltz, cie. toula limnaios, Eva Mattes, Sharon Dodua Otoo, She She Pop, Kathrin Röggla and Berlin’s entire independent arts community. This solidarity festival for independent artists and culture makers in Berlin facing extreme financial hardship (doesn’t) take place on July 24, 2020.

No one came to Hamburg and no one has come to Berlin either for quite some time, but everyone’s going: inspired by the Keinerkommt festival in Hamburg, an initiative of independent artists and culture makers is putting on the non-festival of the summer in Berlin, in cooperation with the Coalition of the Independent Arts and all arts advocacy associations, supported by: Berlin’s Senate Department for Culture and Europe, the Free University of Berlin, Reservix, Wall Decaux and many, many more.

All income made from ticket sales and merchandise will be given to independent artists and culture makers in Berlin’s independent arts community working in all disciplines who did not receive aid from Berlin’s Soforthile II program and do not meet the requirements for any federal or state relief programs and thus have had little or no income for the past several months. It is for them, those who have fallen through all the cracks in the system and can no longer cover their living costs, that Niemand kommt, alle sind dabei is being put on: a festival made by the community for the community. Peaches is going, Sasha Waltz & Guests and cie. toula limnaios are going, Eva Mattes is going, Sharon Dodua Otoo is going, She She Pop are going, Kathrin Röggla is going and Berlin’s entire independent arts community is going – and no one’s coming.

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niemand kommt, alle sind dabei!

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