Das Nicht-Festival des Sommers in Berlin
Solidarity Festival for Independent Berlin-Based Artists and Culture Makers Facing Extreme Financial Hardship
48h Neukölln,
Agentur fĂĽr Anerkennung ,
Agnès Guipont,
Alex Bäke,
Alexey Kokhanov,
Almut Schlicker,
Anali Goldberg,
André Uerba/ SHORT HOPE,
Andrea Scarfi,
Anja Kubath,
Anke Westermann,
Anne-Mareike Hess,
Annegret Geist, Theater Geist,
Antonia Baehr,
Antonia Low,
Areli Moran ,
Art Aia – La Dolce Berlin,
artiCHOKE e.V.,
Artisanen (Stefan Spitzer und Inga Schmidt),
Astrid Weiske,
B.E.T. – Berlin Expat Theatre,
Ballhaus Ost ,
Barbara Wrede,
Barockmusik Ensemble LA MERAVIGLIA (Leitung Vera Petry),
Ben Blu,
Berit Jentzsch,
Berliner Festspiele,
Bernadette La Hengst,
Bettina Grahs,
Bianca Austermann, textBAutheater,
Birgit Wieger,
Birte Opitz,
BKA Theater,
Bogna Grazyna Jaroslawski,
Brad Nath,
Breeda CC, Dead Chickens,
Bridge Markland,
Bruno Pilz,
bücking & kröger,
Casey Tower,Casey Tower
Cathy Walsh,
Ceven Knowles,
Chang Nai Wen / Sisyphos, der Flugelefant (SdF),
Chong QIN ,
Christian Kesten,
Christiane Klatt,
cie. toula limnaios,
Claudia Bosse,
Claudia Garbe ,
Claudia Wieser,
collapsetofraction collective,
Concerto Zampogna (Christian Walter, Christine Trinks, Gösta Funck),
Constanza Macras │ DorkyPark,
copy & waste,
Cora Frost,
Cornelia Becker,
Cornelia Foerch,
Cornelia Schlemmer,
Cox Ahlers,
Cymin Samawatie,
Dagmar Gester,
Daniel Brunet,Daniel Brunet
Daniel Hope,
Daniel Trumbull,
Daniela Gubatz,
Daniella Eriksson,
Das Hexenberg Ensemble,
Das Weite Theater,
Deborah S. Phillips,
DJ Wuthe am Grammophon,
Donald Muldrow Griffith,
DĂĽrten Thielk,
ehrliche arbeit – freies KulturbĂĽro,
Elisa MĂĽller/ Institut fĂĽr Widerstand im Postfordismus,
Enrico Paglialunga ,
Ensemble I ZEFIRELLI: Fux und Biber – Tierisches aus dem barocken Lustgarten,
Erik Drescher,
Erik Goengrich,
Errant Sound,
Eva Kaufmann,
Eva Mattes,
Eva Plischke,
EVENTPUPpETS & company,
Fabian Rosonsky,
Familie Flöz,
Fernando Nicolás Pelliccioli and Carlos Osatinsky,
Figurentheater GrashĂĽpfer,
Fliegendes Theater,
Flinn Works ,
Francesca Tasini,
Frauke Boggasch,
Frauke Löffel,
Frederika Tsai,
Frederike Raoul Doffin,
Friedemann Hecht,
Friederike Ziegler,
Friedhelm Hans Hartmann,
gamut inc,
Giovanni Morassutti ,
Giuliana Corsi Kolling (Harake Dance Company, Chaim Gebber Open Scene),
Gob Squad Arts Collective ,
Gösta Funck,
GUT REACTION Percussive Dance Theatre,
Halau Hula Makahikina,
Hannah Hamburger,
Heidi Sill,
Heike Brandt,
Heimathafen Neukölln,
Helena Botto,
Henning Wehland,
Henrike Iglesias,
hirche/krumbein productions,
Holger Jacobs,
Hysterisches GlobusgefĂĽhl,
Im Leeren Raum,
Inga Maria Klaucke,
Ingo Reulecke,
Irene Klein,
Isabella Mavellia ,
Jan Dober,
Janne Gregor,
Jasminka Stenz,
JayrĂ´me C. Robinet,
Jennifer Lorenz,
Jenny Schrödl,
Johanna Kasperowitsch,
Johanna Lemke,
Julia Keren Turbahn,
Julia Kratz,
Julia Krause,
Julia Kursawe,
Juliane Beer,
Ka Rustler,
Kadir [Amigo] MemiĹź,
Kalle Freynik,
Kareth Schaffer,
Kat Staub,
Katharina Scheidtmann,
Käthe-Dorothee Kaye,
Kathleen Heil,
Kathrin Goosses,
Kathrin HegedĂĽsch,
Kathrin Röggla,
Katrin Hieronimus,
Keike Twisselmann,
Klaus Farin,
Komödie am Kurfürstendamm im Schiller Theater,
Konstanze Schmitt,
KreiKa – vom alltäglichen Wahnsinn (Julia Schwebke, Friederike Ziegler und Frauke Pietsch),
Krysti Himmelfahrt & 1 Muse,
Kunstverein Scheider,
Lena Köhn,
Lina GĂłmez,
Lina Sur,
Liquit Walker,
Liz Crossley ,
M. Kardinal,
Mahide Lein, AHOI,
Maike Bartz,
Maja Das Gupta,
Marc Zwinz,
Mareile Metzner,
Maren Strack,
Margot Schlönzke,
Markus&Markus Theaterkollektiv,
Martha Hincapié Charry ,
Martin G. Schmid,
Martin L. Reiter,
Martin Zellerhoff,
Martina Klein,
Martina Neu,
Matthias Beckmann,
Matthias Mayer,
Maximilian Ehrhardt,
MĂ©lanie Witteborg,
Melli MĂĽller ,
Merlin Puppet Theatre (Dimitris Stamou und Demy Papada),
Michael Celer-Busse,
Michael Schwager,
Michaela Muchina,
Miguel Witzke Pereira,
Ming Poon,
Miriam Jakob,
Moni Fischaleck,
Moving Poets Berlin (Brianne Curran, MyLoan Dinh, Maya Nathalie Gomez, Jaqueline Heer, Till Schmidt-Rimpler, Mark Swysen) und Moving Poets Novilla,
Naomi Boyce,
Natalia Wilk,
Natasha Schnur,
Neuköllner Oper,
Nicola Reinmöller,
Nicole Gospodarek,
Nikki und Clarissa,
Nikolaus Schneider,
NĂşria SanromĂ -GabĂ s,
ogalala kreuzberg,
PARNASSVS MVSICVS – Ensemble fĂĽr Alte Musik,
Patrick Wengenroth,
Patty Kim Hamilton,
Paul Grote ,
Pauline Payen,
Peggy Mädler,
Peter Pleyer,
Petra Weller,
plan b performance,
Queertangofestival Berlin,
Raum 305 (Moritz Haase, JARNOTH und Philipp Boë),
Regina Gyr,
Rose-Anabel Beermann,
Sam Hunter,
Samar Habibi,
Sarah Rosenau,
Schaubude Berlin,
Sergiu Matis,
Sigrid Gareis,
Sigrid Grajek,
Silvie Naunheim,
Simone Gisela Weber,
Sing along, Berlin,
Sonar Quartett,
Stef Heidhues,
Stefan Römer,
Strapmania Collective,
studio R31 (Klaus Bortoluzzi und Denise S. Puri),
Susanne Foellmer,
Sylvia Hinz,
Tanzcompagnie Rubato (Dieter Baumann und Jutta Hell),
TanzTangente Berlin,
TEATUR (Nadine Giese und Wolf Dieckmann),
TĂ©chne ,
the kickpäck,
the school of nothing,
Theater im Delphi,
Theater Lakritz Berlin,
TheaterFusion, Susanne Olbrich,
Theaterhaus Berlin Mitte,
Theaterkollektiv FRITZAHOI,
Thomas Wiesenberg,
Tilmann Albrecht,
Tine Elbel,
Tommy Støckel,
Torsten Oelscher,
Trickster Orchestra,
Trio Les Salonnières (Liane Sadler, Sophie Longmuir, Mirjam-Luise Münzel),
Turbo Pascal,
Universität der Künste,
Ursula Ebner,
Ute Kahmann,
Uwe Berger,
Vanessa Stern, Krisenzentrum fĂĽr weibliche Komik,
Vierte Welt,
Viola Köster & Ren Saibara,
Wenzel U. Vöcks & Federico Schwindt,
WerkStadt e.V.,
Wolfgang von Kessinger,
Xavier Le Roy,
Xenia Taniko,
Yoriko Maeno,
Zeitgetroffen Kollektiv,
zzKAP – zusätzliche zeitgenössische Kunst auf Papier
Das Nicht-Festival des Sommers in Berlin
Solidarity Festival for Independent Berlin-Based Artists and Culture Makers Facing Extreme Financial Hardship
48h Neukölln,
Agentur fĂĽr Anerkennung ,
Agnès Guipont,
Alex Bäke,
Alexey Kokhanov,
Almut Schlicker,
Anali Goldberg,
André Uerba/ SHORT HOPE,
Andrea Scarfi,
Anja Kubath,
Anke Westermann,
Anne-Mareike Hess,
Annegret Geist, Theater Geist,
Antonia Baehr,
Antonia Low,
Areli Moran ,
Art Aia – La Dolce Berlin,
artiCHOKE e.V.,
Artisanen (Stefan Spitzer und Inga Schmidt),
Astrid Weiske,
B.E.T. – Berlin Expat Theatre,
Ballhaus Ost ,
Barbara Wrede,
Barockmusik Ensemble LA MERAVIGLIA (Leitung Vera Petry),
Ben Blu,
Berit Jentzsch,
Berliner Festspiele,
Bernadette La Hengst,
Bettina Grahs,
Bianca Austermann, textBAutheater,
Birgit Wieger,
Birte Opitz,
BKA Theater,
Bogna Grazyna Jaroslawski,
Brad Nath,
Breeda CC, Dead Chickens,
Bridge Markland,
Bruno Pilz,
bücking & kröger,
Casey Tower,Casey Tower
Cathy Walsh,
Ceven Knowles,
Chang Nai Wen / Sisyphos, der Flugelefant (SdF),
Chong QIN ,
Christian Kesten,
Christiane Klatt,
cie. toula limnaios,
Claudia Bosse,
Claudia Garbe ,
Claudia Wieser,
collapsetofraction collective,
Concerto Zampogna (Christian Walter, Christine Trinks, Gösta Funck),
Constanza Macras │ DorkyPark,
copy & waste,
Cora Frost,
Cornelia Becker,
Cornelia Foerch,
Cornelia Schlemmer,
Cox Ahlers,
Cymin Samawatie,
Dagmar Gester,
Daniel Brunet,Daniel Brunet
Daniel Hope,
Daniel Trumbull,
Daniela Gubatz,
Daniella Eriksson,
Das Hexenberg Ensemble,
Das Weite Theater,
Deborah S. Phillips,
DJ Wuthe am Grammophon,
Donald Muldrow Griffith,
DĂĽrten Thielk,
ehrliche arbeit – freies KulturbĂĽro,
Elisa MĂĽller/ Institut fĂĽr Widerstand im Postfordismus,
Enrico Paglialunga ,
Ensemble I ZEFIRELLI: Fux und Biber – Tierisches aus dem barocken Lustgarten,
Erik Drescher,
Erik Goengrich,
Errant Sound,
Eva Kaufmann,
Eva Mattes,
Eva Plischke,
EVENTPUPpETS & company,
Fabian Rosonsky,
Familie Flöz,
Fernando Nicolás Pelliccioli and Carlos Osatinsky,
Figurentheater GrashĂĽpfer,
Fliegendes Theater,
Flinn Works ,
Francesca Tasini,
Frauke Boggasch,
Frauke Löffel,
Frederika Tsai,
Frederike Raoul Doffin,
Friedemann Hecht,
Friederike Ziegler,
Friedhelm Hans Hartmann,
gamut inc,
Giovanni Morassutti ,
Giuliana Corsi Kolling (Harake Dance Company, Chaim Gebber Open Scene),
Gob Squad Arts Collective ,
Gösta Funck,
GUT REACTION Percussive Dance Theatre,
Halau Hula Makahikina,
Hannah Hamburger,
Heidi Sill,
Heike Brandt,
Heimathafen Neukölln,
Helena Botto,
Henning Wehland,
Henrike Iglesias,
hirche/krumbein productions,
Holger Jacobs,
Hysterisches GlobusgefĂĽhl,
Im Leeren Raum,
Inga Maria Klaucke,
Ingo Reulecke,
Irene Klein,
Isabella Mavellia ,
Jan Dober,
Janne Gregor,
Jasminka Stenz,
JayrĂ´me C. Robinet,
Jennifer Lorenz,
Jenny Schrödl,
Johanna Kasperowitsch,
Johanna Lemke,
Julia Keren Turbahn,
Julia Kratz,
Julia Krause,
Julia Kursawe,
Juliane Beer,
Ka Rustler,
Kadir [Amigo] MemiĹź,
Kalle Freynik,
Kareth Schaffer,
Kat Staub,
Katharina Scheidtmann,
Käthe-Dorothee Kaye,
Kathleen Heil,
Kathrin Goosses,
Kathrin HegedĂĽsch,
Kathrin Röggla,
Katrin Hieronimus,
Keike Twisselmann,
Klaus Farin,
Komödie am Kurfürstendamm im Schiller Theater,
Konstanze Schmitt,
KreiKa – vom alltäglichen Wahnsinn (Julia Schwebke, Friederike Ziegler und Frauke Pietsch),
Krysti Himmelfahrt & 1 Muse,
Kunstverein Scheider,
Lena Köhn,
Lina GĂłmez,
Lina Sur,
Liquit Walker,
Liz Crossley ,
M. Kardinal,
Mahide Lein, AHOI,
Maike Bartz,
Maja Das Gupta,
Marc Zwinz,
Mareile Metzner,
Maren Strack,
Margot Schlönzke,
Markus&Markus Theaterkollektiv,
Martha Hincapié Charry ,
Martin G. Schmid,
Martin L. Reiter,
Martin Zellerhoff,
Martina Klein,
Martina Neu,
Matthias Beckmann,
Matthias Mayer,
Maximilian Ehrhardt,
MĂ©lanie Witteborg,
Melli MĂĽller ,
Merlin Puppet Theatre (Dimitris Stamou und Demy Papada),
Michael Celer-Busse,
Michael Schwager,
Michaela Muchina,
Miguel Witzke Pereira,
Ming Poon,
Miriam Jakob,
Moni Fischaleck,
Moving Poets Berlin (Brianne Curran, MyLoan Dinh, Maya Nathalie Gomez, Jaqueline Heer, Till Schmidt-Rimpler, Mark Swysen) und Moving Poets Novilla,
Naomi Boyce,
Natalia Wilk,
Natasha Schnur,
Neuköllner Oper,
Nicola Reinmöller,
Nicole Gospodarek,
Nikki und Clarissa,
Nikolaus Schneider,
NĂşria SanromĂ -GabĂ s,
ogalala kreuzberg,
PARNASSVS MVSICVS – Ensemble fĂĽr Alte Musik,
Patrick Wengenroth,
Patty Kim Hamilton,
Paul Grote ,
Pauline Payen,
Peggy Mädler,
Peter Pleyer,
Petra Weller,
plan b performance,
Queertangofestival Berlin,
Raum 305 (Moritz Haase, JARNOTH und Philipp Boë),
Regina Gyr,
Rose-Anabel Beermann,
Sam Hunter,
Samar Habibi,
Sarah Rosenau,
Schaubude Berlin,
Sergiu Matis,
Sigrid Gareis,
Sigrid Grajek,
Silvie Naunheim,
Simone Gisela Weber,
Sing along, Berlin,
Sonar Quartett,
Stef Heidhues,
Stefan Römer,
Strapmania Collective,
studio R31 (Klaus Bortoluzzi und Denise S. Puri),
Susanne Foellmer,
Sylvia Hinz,
Tanzcompagnie Rubato (Dieter Baumann und Jutta Hell),
TanzTangente Berlin,
TEATUR (Nadine Giese und Wolf Dieckmann),
TĂ©chne ,
the kickpäck,
the school of nothing,
Theater im Delphi,
Theater Lakritz Berlin,
TheaterFusion, Susanne Olbrich,
Theaterhaus Berlin Mitte,
Theaterkollektiv FRITZAHOI,
Thomas Wiesenberg,
Tilmann Albrecht,
Tine Elbel,
Tommy Støckel,
Torsten Oelscher,
Trickster Orchestra,
Trio Les Salonnières (Liane Sadler, Sophie Longmuir, Mirjam-Luise Münzel),
Turbo Pascal,
Universität der Künste,
Ursula Ebner,
Ute Kahmann,
Uwe Berger,
Vanessa Stern, Krisenzentrum fĂĽr weibliche Komik,
Vierte Welt,
Viola Köster & Ren Saibara,
Wenzel U. Vöcks & Federico Schwindt,
WerkStadt e.V.,
Wolfgang von Kessinger,
Xavier Le Roy,
Xenia Taniko,
Yoriko Maeno,
Zeitgetroffen Kollektiv,
zzKAP – zusätzliche zeitgenössische Kunst auf Papier

60,000 EUR Collected – Recipients Have Been Determined
Niemand kommt, alle sind dabei (No One’s Coming, Everyone’s Going) brought in around 60,000 EUR via the sale of tickets and merchandise as well as donations, 100% of which will now be passed on to Berlin’s one-of-a-kind independent arts community. The aid package recipients from the proceeds of the solidarity festival for freelance artists and culture makers facing extreme financial hardship have now been determined, each of whom will receive 1,000 EUR. This was made possible thanks to the solidarity of hundreds of artists, with some of the most prominent examples including Peaches, Axel Prahl, Gayle Tufts, Sasha Waltz, She She Pop, Gob Squad, Marc Zwinz, Eva Mattes and Daniel Hope, as well as the solidarity of numerous art and culture institutions and all of the discipline-specific arts advocacy associations.
The organizers, Ulrike Badke, Naomi Boyce, Daniel Brunet, Susanne Foellmer, Elisa Müller, Paul Netzer, Torsten Oelscher, Sarah Rosenau, Jenny Schrödl and Casey Tower, would like thank all of the supporters for their role in achieving the great success of this inititive:
Thank you to the 1,800 ticket holders! Thank you to all of the generous donors! Thank you to the more than 300 artists, theaters and cultural institutions who participated! Thank you to everyone who helped to spread the word about our (non) festival and the call to buy tickets and make donations! Thank you to Merchroadie, Reservix and Wall Decaux! Thank you to our media partners! Thank you to our supports from the academic, business, media and political sectors! All of you helped to make Niemand kommt a success and to ensure that will be able to help a large number of the artists who submitted an application! At the same time, we know that this is only a drop in the proverbial bucket and call on decision makers and policy makers to ensure long-term protection for culture in times of crisis as well!
Niemand kommt, alle sind dabei (No One’s Coming, Everyone’s Going) brought in around 60,000 EUR via the sale of tickets and merchandise as well as donations, 100% of which will now be passed on to Berlin’s one-of-a-kind independent arts community. The aid package recipients from the proceeds of the solidarity festival for freelance artists and culture makers facing extreme financial hardship have now been determined, each of whom will receive 1,000 EUR. This was made possible thanks to the solidarity of hundreds of artists, with some of the most prominent examples including Peaches, Axel Prahl, Gayle Tufts, Sasha Waltz, She She Pop, Gob Squad, Marc Zwinz, Eva Mattes and Daniel Hope, as well as the solidarity of numerous art and culture institutions and all of the discipline-specific arts advocacy associations.
The organizers, Ulrike Badke, Naomi Boyce, Daniel Brunet, Susanne Foellmer, Elisa Müller, Paul Netzer, Torsten Oelscher, Sarah Rosenau, Jenny Schrödl and Casey Tower, would like thank all of the supporters for their role in achieving the great success of this inititive:
Thank you to the 1,800 ticket holders! Thank you to all of the generous donors! Thank you to the more than 300 artists, theaters and cultural institutions who participated! Thank you to everyone who helped to spread the word about our (non) festival and the call to buy tickets and make donations! Thank you to Merchroadie, Reservix and Wall Decaux! Thank you to our media partners! Thank you to our supports from the academic, business, media and political sectors! All of you helped to make Niemand kommt a success and to ensure that will be able to help a large number of the artists who submitted an application! At the same time, we know that this is only a drop in the proverbial bucket and call on decision makers and policy makers to ensure long-term protection for culture in times of crisis as well!

60,000 EUR Collected – Recipients Have Been Determined
Niemand kommt, alle sind dabei (No One’s Coming, Everyone’s Going) brought in around 60,000 EUR via the sale of tickets and merchandise as well as donations, 100% of which will now be passed on to Berlin’s one-of-a-kind independent arts community. The aid package recipients from the proceeds of the solidarity festival for freelance artists and culture makers facing extreme financial hardship have now been determined, each of whom will receive 1,000 EUR. This was made possible thanks to the solidarity of hundreds of artists, with some of the most prominent examples including Peaches, Axel Prahl, Gayle Tufts, Sasha Waltz, She She Pop, Gob Squad, Marc Zwinz, Eva Mattes and Daniel Hope, as well as the solidarity of numerous art and culture institutions and all of the discipline-specific arts advocacy associations.
The organizers, Ulrike Badke, Naomi Boyce, Daniel Brunet, Susanne Foellmer, Elisa Müller, Paul Netzer, Torsten Oelscher, Sarah Rosenau, Jenny Schrödl and Casey Tower, would like thank all of the supporters for their role in achieving the great success of this inititive:
Thank you to the 1,800 ticket holders! Thank you to all of the generous donors! Thank you to the more than 300 artists, theaters and cultural institutions who participated! Thank you to everyone who helped to spread the word about our (non) festival and the call to buy tickets and make donations! Thank you to Merchroadie, Reservix and Wall Decaux! Thank you to our media partners! Thank you to our supports from the academic, business, media and political sectors! All of you helped to make Niemand kommt a success and to ensure that will be able to help a large number of the artists who submitted an application! At the same time, we know that this is only a drop in the proverbial bucket and call on decision makers and policy makers to ensure long-term protection for culture in times of crisis as well!
Niemand kommt, alle sind dabei (No One’s Coming, Everyone’s Going) brought in around 60,000 EUR via the sale of tickets and merchandise as well as donations, 100% of which will now be passed on to Berlin’s one-of-a-kind independent arts community. The aid package recipients from the proceeds of the solidarity festival for freelance artists and culture makers facing extreme financial hardship have now been determined, each of whom will receive 1,000 EUR. This was made possible thanks to the solidarity of hundreds of artists, with some of the most prominent examples including Peaches, Axel Prahl, Gayle Tufts, Sasha Waltz, She She Pop, Gob Squad, Marc Zwinz, Eva Mattes and Daniel Hope, as well as the solidarity of numerous art and culture institutions and all of the discipline-specific arts advocacy associations.
The organizers, Ulrike Badke, Naomi Boyce, Daniel Brunet, Susanne Foellmer, Elisa Müller, Paul Netzer, Torsten Oelscher, Sarah Rosenau, Jenny Schrödl and Casey Tower, would like thank all of the supporters for their role in achieving the great success of this inititive:
Thank you to the 1,800 ticket holders! Thank you to all of the generous donors! Thank you to the more than 300 artists, theaters and cultural institutions who participated! Thank you to everyone who helped to spread the word about our (non) festival and the call to buy tickets and make donations! Thank you to Merchroadie, Reservix and Wall Decaux! Thank you to our media partners! Thank you to our supports from the academic, business, media and political sectors! All of you helped to make Niemand kommt a success and to ensure that will be able to help a large number of the artists who submitted an application! At the same time, we know that this is only a drop in the proverbial bucket and call on decision makers and policy makers to ensure long-term protection for culture in times of crisis as well!
<h1><font color="white">Niemand kommt - how it works</font></h1>
<b> 01.</b> <i>Niemand kommt</i> - Concept
No One’s Coming, Everyone’s Going!<br />
<br />
Peaches is going, Sasha Waltz & Guests and cie. toula limnaios are going, Sharon Dodua Otoo is going, She She Pop are going, Kathrin Röggla is going and Berlin’s entire independent arts community is going – but none of them are coming.<br />
<br />
On July 24, 2020, an enormous festival will take place in Berlin where a stunning amount of artists, ensembles and culture makers working in all fields will take part - by not showing up. During the coronavirus pandemic, attendance and physical presence can be deadly. And, exactly because of this, many freelance artists and culture makers in Berlin haven’t been able to earn money for months and can no longer pay rent or buy groceries.<br />
<br />
This is why we’re turning to you: Show your solidarity! Buy a ticket for Berlin’s (non) festival of the year and don’t show up! By buying a ticket, you can help to ensure Berlin’s one-of-a-kind artistic and cultural landscape still exists after this crisis has passed. Please help us to collect as many donations as possible to provide real support (we intend to provide relief packages of € 1,000) to as many artists and culture makers as possible.<br />
<br />
<b> 02.</b> <i>Niemand kommt</i> - Background
Restrictions to slow the spread of the coronavirus pandemic have been in place in Berlin and all of Germany since the middle of March and they are now beginning to ease. For art and culture in the city, however, the song remains the same, a literal lockdown: theaters and concert venues are closed, planned tours have been cancelled, project spaces cannot host projects and there are no festivals, readings or concerts. A great deal has and will continue to be shifted to the internet; countless streaming events in the fields of music, theater, performance and dance are available every day, complete operas and festivals are being performed and held online and concert halls, galleries and museums can be visited virtually. The vast majority of this programming is offered free of charge out of solidarity. The German Federal Government as well as Berlin’s Senate Departments have created a variety of aid programs for freelancers, but these are, unfortunately, incredibly far from sufficient. Added to this is the unfortunate fact that many freelance artists do not meet the requirements to receive this aid: artists who are currently in a rehearsal process are unable to benefit from compensation for performances that cannot take place. Guest performers at state and municipal theaters are also unable to apply for relief programs for freelancers as they have formal contracts, even if these are not upheld. Worst of all, most freelance artists and culture makers fall completely through the cracks of the German Federal government’s <em>Soforthilfe II</em> program, whose strict requirements are written generally for freelancers and fail to take freelance artists and culture makers into consideration. While there are, sadly, a multitude of other examples that can be named, the fact is that far too many artists in Berlin are currently unable to earn money and are forced to live off of their savings or from loans. Their livelihoods are under serious threat. This is also how Klaus Lederer, Berlin’s Senator for Culture, sees things: “I am receiving phone calls from people who don’t know how they are going to pay their rent next month. At the moment, no one knows what consequences this crisis will have, to name only a few examples, for independent cinemas, concert promoters, literary readings, clubs and sociocultural activities or how there are to be expected to be make up for their loss of income. […] In light of the threats to the livelihoods to many freelance artists and culture makers, I see an urgent need for action.” (Süddeutsche Zeitung, March 17, 2020) While restrictions have already been eased for other fields or there are at least prospects of this, everything remains closed for live art until July 31. Following this, nearly all theaters will be on their annual summer break and the regular summer events, normally full of festivals and open air events, have been cancelled. For many, this means that the events in which they typically earn the majority of their annual income will not be held this year. Even if discussions are currently being held about opening art and culture institutions and specific concepts are being worked out for theaters, concert halls, movie theaters, exhibition spaces and rehearsal spaces (any many other types of spaces), it still looks like most art and culture institutions will not be able to offer programming again until the fall – and then to houses that will be anything but full. As Berlin’s Senate Department for Culture and Europe announced on May 29, 2020: “Public events in theaters, concert halls and operas that are primarily financed by public money may not take place” – presumably until July 31, 2020. After this, venues will have to follow strict hygiene concepts that allow only a fraction of the previous audience capacity with a corresponding loss of income from tickets. These financial problems will unfortunately persist far beyond this summer for many art and culture organizations and especially for freelance artists and culture makers. In light of this, we want to demonstrate our solidarity with Berlin’s independent artists and culture makers who make the German capital so famous and attractive worldwide and put on this shared festival that everyone goes to by not coming. Once again, this is why we’re turning to you: buy a ticket to make a donation of € 22 (additional prices levels: € 11, € 44 or € 95). Freelance Berlin-based artists and culture makers can apply to receive relief packages from these donations through July 23, 2020. The applications will be reviewed for completeness, but we are not asking for any artistic content as part of the application. (The criteria are a registered residence in Berlin, a tax number for freelance work, a brief statement about the applicant’s financial situation and that the applicant did not receive relief funds from the state of Berlin’s <em>Soforthilfe II</em> program.) The funds will be distributed by means of random drawings from those qualified in order to be able to distribute higher sums instead of many small disbursements. Our goal is to be able to make a real difference with the funds we are able to provide (e.g. € 1,000 per artist). Please help us to collect as many donations as possible!
<b> 03.</b> <i>Niemand kommt</i> - Tickets/Donations
No One’s Coming, Everyone’s Going. Solidarity Festival for Independent Berlin-Based Artists and Culture Makers An impressive number of Berliners are purchasing a ticket for € 22 and, with that, are making a donation that directly benefits freelance Berlin-based artists and culture makers. We warmly invite you to take part by not coming, buying a ticket and helping us to get the word out! Normal Price: € 22,00 € Additional price levels: € 11, € 44 or € 95 The tickets are sold via our partner Reservix and all prices are subject to a one-time processing fee per order.
<b> 04.</b> <i>Niemand kommt</i> - Application/Funding
Beginning now through July 23, 2020, freelance artists and culture makers based in Berlin can apply to take part in the drawing to receive a relief package from the donations received!<br />
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The criteria for submitting an application are: a registered residence in Berlin, a tax number for freelance work, a brief statement about the applicant’s financial situation and that the applicant did not receive relief funds from the state of Berlin’s <em>Soforthilfe II</em> program. We are not asking for any artistic content as part of the application. The applications will be reviewed for completeness.<br />
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Help us and help yourselves! Apply, don’t come and take part in the drawing!<br />
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How to submit your application:<br />
1) Fill out the application completely, print it out and sign it.<br />
2) Scan the application and please be sure to create a single PDF file.<br />
3) Name the PDF file LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME.pdf<br />
4) Submit it via email to: <a href="mailto:antrag@niemandkommt.de">antrag@niemandkommt.de</a><br />
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Application deadline: July 23, 2020<br />
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To download the application click on this <a href="https://niemandkommt.de/Pdf/Antrag_EN_Niemand-Kommt.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener">→ link</a>.<br />
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And please forward this call for donations within your networks, families, neighborhoods, et cetera via Facebook, Twitter, email, Telegram or WhatsApp. Use your website, Facebook and Instagram accounts to help us spread the word!<br />
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<b> 05.</b> <i>Niemand kommt</i> - Donations
All freelance Berlin-based artists and culture makers who did not receive funds from state of Berlin’S <em>Soforthilfe II</em> program can apply to receive relief funds through application deadline (July 23, 2020). We are not asking for any artistic content as part of the application. The applications will be reviewed for completeness. The criteria for submitting an application are: a registered residence in Berlin, a tax number for freelance work, a brief statement about the applicant’s financial situation and that the applicant did not receive relief funds from the state of Berlin’s <em>Soforthilfe II</em> program. The funds will probably be distributed through a random drawing of names from a pool of all qualified applicants. The goal is to collect as much money as possible in order to be able to provide relief in relatively high amounts (e.g. € 1,000 per recipient) to as many artists as possible. The exact amount, however, will not be able to be determined until it is clear how much money has been donated to this solidarity festival.