
From June 8 through July 23, 2020, freelance artists and culture makers based in Berlin can apply to take part in the drawing to receive a relief package from the donations received!

The criteria for submitting an application are: a registered residence in Berlin, a tax number for freelance work, a brief statement about the applicant’s financial situation and that the applicant did not receive relief funds from the state of Berlin’s Soforthilfe II program. We are not asking for any artistic content as part of the application. The applications will be reviewed for completeness.

Help us and help yourselves! Apply, don’t come and take part in the drawing!

How to submit your application:
1) Fill out the application completely, print it out and sign it.
2) Scan the application and please be sure to create a single PDF file.
3) Name the PDF file LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME.pdf
4) Submit it via email to:

Application deadline: July 23, 2020

To download the application click on the image or this link.

And please forward this call for donations within your networks, families, neighborhoods, et cetera via Facebook, Twitter, email, Telegram or WhatsApp. Use your website, Facebook and Instagram accounts to help us spread the word!


From June 8 through July 23, 2020, freelance artists and culture makers based in Berlin can apply to take part in the drawing to receive a relief package from the donations received!

The criteria for submitting an application are: a registered residence in Berlin, a tax number for freelance work, a brief statement about the applicant’s financial situation and that the applicant did not receive relief funds from the state of Berlin’s Soforthilfe II program. We are not asking for any artistic content as part of the application. The applications will be reviewed for completeness.

Help us and help yourselves! Apply, don’t come and take part in the drawing!

How to submit your application:
1) Fill out the application completely, print it out and sign it.
2) Scan the application and please be sure to create a single PDF file.
3) Name the PDF file LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME.pdf
4) Submit it via email to:

Application deadline: July 23, 2020

To download the application click on this link.

And please forward this call for donations within your networks, families, neighborhoods, et cetera via Facebook, Twitter, email, Telegram or WhatsApp. Use your website, Facebook and Instagram accounts to help us spread the word!