
Concept/Organization: Daniel Brunet, Susanne Foellmer, Elisa Müller, Jenny Schrödl
Project Assistant: Naomi Boyce
Visual Concept and Web Design: Torsten Oelscher (black flamingo)
Graphic Design: Ulrike Badke and Paul Netzer (accentgraph)
Press and PR: Sarah Rosenau
Social Media: Casey Tower

bbk berlin – berufsverband bildender künstler*innen berlin e.V., Berlin’s Senate Department for Culture and Europe, the Free University of Berlin, inm – initiative neue musik berlin e.V. , the Coalition of the Independent Arts, LAFT – Landesverband freie darstellende Künste Berlin e.V., Music Pool Berlin, Netzwerk Freier Berliner Projekträume und –initiativen e.V., Netzwerk freie Literaturszene Berlin e.V., Tanzbüro Berlin, Theater heute, VAM Berlin – Vereinigung Alte Musik e.V., VAM – Vereinigung Alte Musik Berlin e.V., IG Jazz Berlin e.V., ZTB – Zeitgenössischer Tanz Berlin e.V., ZMB – Zeitgenössisches Musiktheater Berlin e.V., Reservix and Wall Decaux.

Thank you very much to all of our supporters!

This project is inspired by the Hamburg (non) festival Keinerkommt - thank you very much to MenscHHamburg e.V. for allowing us to adapt the concept and best wishes in solidarity from Berlin to Hamburg!

Das Plakat

You can download our poster using this link or by clicking on the image, print it out yourself and hang it up to help spread the word about the festival!

Casey Tower

Casey Tower
Social Media

Casey was born in Massachusetts in the USA and studied anthropology and Germany studies at the University of New Hampshire, where she focused on visual anthropology and media anthropology. After completing her studies in December 2013, she moved to Berlin where she has worked ever since as a social media expert, translator and press and public relations consultant in the cultural sector.

Daniel Brunet

Daniel Brunet

Daniel Brunet was born in 1979 in Syracuse, New York and studied theater arts and film studies at Boston College. He moved to Berlin with the support of a Fulbright Scholarship in 2001. He has worked since then as an independent director, performer, producer and translator in the performing arts and as an actor and voiceover artist in the fields of television, film and radio. Daniel Brunet has received multiple awards for his numerous translations, including a PEN Translation Fund Grant and a Literary Fellowship in Translation from the US National Endowment for the Arts. He became Producing Artistic Director of English Theatre Berlin | International Performing Arts Center in 2012. He began voluntary work in the field of cultural policy in 2018 as a non-voting board member of LAFT Berlin and as Speaker for the Performing Arts within the Speaker’s Circle of the Coalition of the Independent Arts to advocate for better conditions for all of Berlin’s independent artists and culture makers.

Elisa Mueller

Elisa Müller

Elisa Müller studied acting and theater studies. In 2008 she founded the theater label müller***** and the Institut für Widerstand im Postfordismus in 2014. Productions in collaborations with artists and scholars working in different fields have been created in cooperation with, amongst others Ballhaus Ost Berlin, LOFFT.Leipzig, Fleetstreet Hamburg, LICHTHOF Hamburg, Sophiensæle Berlin, Theaterdiscounter Berlin, Vierte Welt Berlin, FKT Bochum, Freies Werkstatt Theater Köln, FFT Düsseldorf and Theater Vorpommern. Current work in 2020: Lauf so schnell du kannst, performance, Vierte Welt, 2019: Es ist nichts., performance, Vierte Welt, Der Kirschgarten, Theater Vorpommern. In addition, she has worked regularly as an instructor since 2013, including within the Berlin Performing Arts Program. She has been a non-voting board member of LAFT – Landesverband freie darstellende Künste Berlin e.V. since 2011 and was a member of the Speaker’s Circle of the Coalition of the Independent Arts until 2016. She has been a member of Rat für die Künste Berlin, Berlin’s Artist Advisory Council, since 2016.

Jenny Schroedl

Jenny Schrödl

Jenny Schrödl grew up in Leipzig and moved to Berlin in 1996 to study theater studies, general and comparative literature and philosophy. She earned her doctorate in 2010 within the special research area Cultures of the Performative with a study of the aesthetics of the voice in post-dramatic theater (Vocal Intensities, Bielefeld: transcript 2012). Jenny Schrödl has worked as a junior professor at the Institute for Theater Studies of FU Berlin with a focus on contemporary theater and performance art since 2015. She is currently researching gender portrayals in contemporary performative art.

Naomi Boyce

Naomi Boyce
Project Assistant

Naomi was born and raised in New York City and studied theater at Barnard College, Columbia University. She moved to Berlin with the support of a Fulbright Scholarship in 2015 and has worked since 2017 as an independent translator and surtitler for Maxim Gorki Theater, Deutsche Theater Berlin, Salzburger Festspiele, Schauspielhaus Zürich and Thalia Theater, amongst others. She also works as an independent dramaturg and is currently completing her Master’s degree at the Free University of Berlin in theater studies.

Paul Netzer / Ulrike Badke

Paul Netzer / Ulrike Badke
Graphic Design

Paul Netzer was born in Berlin and works as an independent art director and graphic designer. In his younger years, in addition to his work as a freelance illustrator, he also performed on stage, acted in films and developed The Radio Show together with international performance artists. He remains closely connected to theaters in Berlin today in his work as a graphic designer. He founded accentgraph, a studio for graphic design and communication in 2003, together with his partner Ulrike Badke. Ulrike is a marketing communications specialist who studied public relations and theater studies. She worked as a news editor and spent many years in senior positions in renowned creative and lead agencies in Berlin. She is responsible for concepts, texts and print production at accentgraph.

Susanne Foellmer

Susanne Foellmer

Susanne is a dance and theater scholar and is currently an associate professor at the Centre for Dance Research at Coventry University in the UK. She was a junior professor at FU Berlin from 2011 to 2016. Her research currently is focused on the remnants and vestiges in the performing arts as well as choreography and protest. She has also worked for many years as an independent dramaturg as well as for a variety of dance institutions and dance media in Berlin. She is a member of ZTB (Zeitgenössicher Tanz Berlin).

Portrait Torsten Oelscher

Torsten Oelscher
Visual Concept
Web Design and Programming
black flamingo,

Torsten was born in Hannover and grew up in Flensburg. After receiving his Abitur, he apprenticed as a refrigeration technician and worked as a climate control system installer in Baghdad and then moved to Munich where he met his wife and then lived with her in Hamburg, then in Paris for 20 years before moving to Berlin at the end of 2012. They work together as photo artists and founded black flamingo in 2013 to initiate and support cooperations between artists and companies. Torsten Oelscher founded the platform and also designed and programs the website for the Coalition of the Independent Arts and the Alliance of Independent Arts, amongst others.